Found in leafy greens, nuts, supplements, and other food sources, magnesium plays a key role in your holistic health, from exercise performance to heart health and brain function.
Did you know magnesium is one of the seven essential minerals the body needs to function and maintain quality health? However, magnesium does not get the attention it deserves because of the lack of proper understanding of the mineral’s physiology. Some studies show that approximately three-fourths of Americans do not consume the recommended dietary allowance of magnesium. Learn why you should prioritize magnesium intake to keep your body healthy, as a magnesium deficiency can cause real health problems.
What Is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a mineral that helps support the immune system, maintain nerve and muscle function, and aids in the production of energy. You may be at a higher risk of health problems such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or osteoporosis if your long-term diet lacks magnesium.
What Does Magnesium Do?
Magnesium is needed for many important processes within the body. It helps support muscle function, regulates the nervous system, and aids in energy production. It also helps maintain blood sugar and blood pressure. Arguably, its most important job is to enable healthy enzyme function. Magnesium is involved in over 300 different enzyme activities that help regulate biochemical reactions in the body.
Magnesium also supports the following aspects of our whole-body health:
Heart health: Magnesium helps the heart maintain a consistent rhythm and helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol production. The movement of blood sugar into your muscles can help boost exercise performance.
Metabolic health: The mineral regulates the digestion of fatty acids and proteins.
Bone health: Magnesium supports bone formation and the maintenance of bone density as we age.
Sleep: Magnesium regulates certain neurotransmitters that calm the nervous system and signal the brain to rest.
Anxiety and Stress Management: Magnesium helps to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.
Signs of Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium deficiencies are more common than people may think, especially in older adults and women. An estimated 50% of adults in the United States live with a magnesium deficiency. While magnesium plays an important role in numerous body functions, it is not commonly looked at in routine blood work. You may not even know you are deficient in magnesium but have been carrying on with the symptoms.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include:
Loss of appetite
Muscle cramps and spasms
Nausea and/or vomiting
Fatigue and low energy
Heightened anxiety and/or depression
Abnormal heart rhythm
People with magnesium deficiency are at higher risk of the following health issues:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Frequent migraines
If you experience any of the above symptoms, it’s necessary to see your doctor as they could indicate multiple health issues, including magnesium deficiency.
How Much Magnesium Do You Need?
The body does not produce magnesium, so it has to come from outside sources, either the food or supplements you consume. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for magnesium for adult men ages 19-51 is 400-420 mg daily and 310-320 mg for women. Pregnant women may require up to 360 mg daily.
How to Get Your Recommended Daily Allowance of Magnesium
There are many foods you can eat to reach your recommended daily level. Magnesium-rich foods include spinach, salmon, almonds, cashews, bananas, avocados, and dark chocolate. It may require a focused diet and meal planning to ensure your body gets enough magnesium through food. That’s where supplements can help. Supplements can be an easy way to increase your daily vitamin and mineral intake, but you should always talk to your doctor before taking any non-prescribed supplements to ensure they won’t interfere with your current medications.
Create Magnesium Supplements With Gummi World
Magnesium is a mineral involved in numerous cellular reactions, relaying signals between your brain and body. However, few people meet the recommended daily intake and struggle to follow a magnesium-rich diet. Gummi World can help you create magnesium supplements with all the health benefits and amazing flavor options. Your customers will look forward to taking a supplement full of flavor and packed with nutrients that will boost their performance, confidence, and overall health. Our USDA organic-certified cGMP manufacturing facility will take care of the entire production process and produce supplements backed by science. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you deliver healthy and tasty supplements to your customers.